APAS Travelling Fellowship Report 2017 – 2018

It has been a great privilege to be the First Inaugural Fellow of APAS 2017-18. I am grateful to Dr. Kailash Patil & Dr. Yasser Khatib for selecting me for this fellowship which allowed me to excel and expand my knowledge in the field of Arthroplasty. I am beholden to Dr. Parag Sancheti (President-APAS) for granting me this prestigious fellowship. I take this opportunity to share my incredible fellowship experience with you.
Asia Pacific Arthroplasty Society Incorporated organized the first fellowship program in 2017. During a conference in Chennai, interviews were held for the selection of 2 candidates. This fellowship received a tremendous response. Fortunately, I was selected. The duration of the fellowship was 6 weeks: 3 weeks in Australia and 3 in India (in Pune, Chennai and Mumbai). It was to start on 6th April 2018 till 25th May 2018. It was a sponsored fellowship with a stipend and roundtrip airfare.
To brief up the 6 weeks program, me and my colleague Dr. Pavan Kumar Ravi, worked with 7 surgeons in Sydney and 3 surgeons in India. In Sydney, we learnt about Patient-specific implants and CR Cementless Total Knee Replacement with Dr. Rami Sorial. Dr. Sol Qurashi performed THR by Super-path technique, a minimally invasive THR, which was very educative. Dr. Simon Coffey did TKR using Kinematic Alignment. We also observed the Anterior Approach in THR by Dr. James Sullivan.
In Pune, Dr. Parag Sancheti trained us to master the Complex and Revision Arthroplasty. He taught us about mechanical alignment in TKR with Posterior stabilized Implants. Furthermore, in Chennai we got to assist and learn the Complex THR from Dr. Vijay Bose, Dr. Michael Neil and Dr. Craig Waller performed Arthroplasty and Arthroscopy. In Mumbai, we got to observe and assist in Unicondylar and Bicompartmental Knee Replacement with Dr. Arun Mullaji for the first time. He explained to us the importance of Computer Navigation in TKR. All esteemed surgeons took a great deal of interest in clarifying every doubt and teaching us.
Thanks to Dr. Rami Sorial for welcoming us in Sydney and making our stay comfortable. Each and everything was well-organized and planned, right from our accommodations, food, car and other things. Thanks to Dr. Yasser Khatib for inviting us to stay at his residence for 3 weeks. Not to forget, a special thanks to Dr. Rahul Sharma, a fellow of Dr. Rami who came to receive us at the airport and guided us throughout our stay.
APAS fellowship provides an excellent opportunity to learn from big stalwarts in Arthroplasty. It is a platform to clear all your basic concepts and strengthen your foundation. It gives good exposure to learn about a variety of cases like primary, complex and revision arthroplasty. APAS Fellowship gives us a chance to know and learn the recent advances in arthroplasty across the globe. APAS has undertaken a great initiative by starting this fellowship, and I encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and improve your knowledge and skills.
(Group photo with Dr. Rami Sorial, Dr .Simon Coffey, myself, Dr. Pavan Kumar Ravi, Dr. Yasser Khatib along with their families at our welcome lunch at Dr. Rami Sorial’s house)
My special thanks to Dr. Parag Sancheti, President-APAS and Dr. Rami Sorial, Scientific Chairman for organising and making efforts to make this fellowship program an educative and enlightening experience. It covered all aspects of Arthroplasty in the Hip and Knee under renowned mentors. The wonderful hospitality by Dr.Rami Sorial made our Sydney visit memorable. I enjoyed spectacular Australian locations during my leisure time, especially mountains and beaches. It is a beautiful country.
Thanks to the entire Scientific Committee of APAS for sharing their knowledge with us. I learnt more than I expected and I hope I get an opportunity to implement all the things I have learned in these 6 weeks program. We seek your blessings and continuous support to grow in our career.
Dr. Amit Bobade