Hall A

Dr. Dhiraj Marothi, Ahemdabad :
90 days morbidity and mortality in patients undergoing primary elective total knee Arthroplasty in a multispecialty high volume center.

Dr. Sahil Sanghavi, Pune :
Does preoperative radiological alignment affect outcomes after TKR ?

Hall B

Dr. S .Ganesh ,Chennai :
Intraarticular VS Introvenous Tranexamic Acid in Reduction of Blood Loss in primary TKR.

Dr. George Jacob, Cochin:
An invitro study assessing the effects of methyl prednisolone & HA on human chondrocyte cell metabolism .


Dr. Vishesh Khanna : Sunshine Hospital Hyderabad
Important predictors of length of stay after a Primary TKR in a large Cohort.

Dr. Wong B C : Malaysia
Midterm clinical outcomes of difficult primary TKR using semi constrained knee prosthesis done in distinct hospital Northern Malaysia .